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Optimized for children

No ads
Parental control
Simplified interface


Educational features

Learn the language
Explore foreign languages
Concentrate and stay focused
Solve puzzles


Spoken instructions

Assistance and instructions are spoken
Over 200 audio commentaries
Name of animals in 8 languages



iOS 7+ and Android 4+
Optimized for phone and tablet
HD / Retina graphics

Find Them All: Looking for animals

Available on Apple App Store ildlife & Farm Animals for Kids on Google Play Available on Amazon App-Shop

Find them all: Looking for animals

is an educational game for pre-school children and toddlers that offers varied activities on the subject of the animals of the world. Entirely spoken in 8 languages, the game comprises levels, each of which depicts a different environment child have to explore (farm, Africa, Australia, Asia, North and South America).


This game is educational and fun. Awesome game for toddlers!

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Find Them All: Dinosaurs world

Dinosaurs world is available on Apple App Store Prehistoric Animals & Dinosaurs on Google Play available on Google Play Dinosaurs world is available on Amazon App-Shop

Find them all: Dinosaurs world

Younger kids will learn quickly to identify dinosaurs and prehistoric animals (name, call, sounds and pictures) during a discovery phase which requires dexterity (scrolling, touch). Older kids are able to look for dinos in the night and use the camera to make their own photo album or create jigsaw puzzles (up to 42 pieces).


Great game for any child who has a love of dinosaurs. Interactive and amusing with cute graphics.

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Find Them All: Fairy Tales and Legends

Find them all: Fairy Tales and Legends is available on Apple App Store Find them all: Fairy Tales and Legends available on Google Play Find them all: Fairy Tales and Legends is available on Amazon App Shop

Find them all: Fairy tales and legends

Find the characters from your favourite fairy tales through this multi-activity, hidden object game for children aged 2 to 8. Look for characters (like Snow White, the Little Mermaid, the princess or the dragon) in the scenery, take them in photo, answer quiz and print your own album!


My 3 girls love this app. Ages 7, 3, 20 mo it's great for all ages.
I even enjoy it too!

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