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Animals of North America

This is the list of all animals of North America (and spoken facts) kids will have to discover in the app.

Mustang Mustang
The mustang is a wild horse which lives in herds.
When the mustang is in danger, it gallops away.
Bison Bison
In winter, the bison's coat is longer than in the summer in order to protect it from the cold.
The bison can run quickly and it knows how to swim.
Coyote Coyote
The coyote is smaller than a wolf, but it is faster.
The coyote lives in the plains, the desert, the forest and, sometimes, even in cities!
Rattlesnake Rattlesnake
The rattlesnake only attacks if it is unable to escape. It can be very dangerous.
The rattlesnake shakes its tail to ward off its enemies.
Turkey Vulture

Turkey Vulture
The turkey vulture feeds on rotting carcasses, those of animals that are already dead.
The turkey vulture is able to smell and see a dead animal from very far away.

Prairie Dog Prairie Dog
The prairie dog lives in colonies in large burrows.
As a warning, prairie dogs emit a sound very similar to a bark.
Roadrunners Roadrunners
The roadrunner is a bird which spends more time running than flying.
When it runs, the roadrunner uses its long tail to change direction.
Pronghorn Pronghorn
The pronghorn's colour enables it to hide in high grass.
The pronghorn is the fastest animal in the American continent: it can run as fast as 60 km/hour.
Black-tailed Jackrabbit Black-tailed Jackrabbit
The black-tailed jackrabbit runs very fast and can jump as high as 3 metres.
The black-tailed jackrabbit eats grass and sometimes cactus.
Grizzly Grizzly
The grizzly enjoys fishing: it catches fish with its claws.
The grizzly can stand up on its hind legs: with its huge claws, it can be very imposing!
Moose Moose
The moose's antlers fall off every winter and grow back again the following spring.
The moose is also known as the elk in Europe.
Raccoon Raccoon
The raccoon is very dexterous with its feet: it is able to pick up an object and turn it in all directions.
The raccoon is a good swimmer and an excellent climber.
Skunk Skunk
The skunk gives off a very unpleasant odour to defend itself.
The skunk likes honey (and bees): stings do not appear to bother it!
Puma Puma
The puma is also called the cougar or the mountain lion.
From a standing start, the puma is able to jump as high as 5 metres.
Bald Eagle Bald Eagle
The bald eagle lives on the waterside and feeds mainly on fish.
When fishing, the bald eagle flies over the water and catches fish with its claws.
Bighorn sheep Bighorn sheep
The bighorn sheep climbs rocks very quickly to protect itself from pumas and bears.
The bighorn sheep's horns can weigh up to 14 kg.
Mountain Goat Mountain Goat
The mountain goat is very good at climbing rocks.
The mountain goat has a long white coat, short black horns and a small beard!
Wolverine Wolverine
The wolverine looks like a small bear and it uses its long claws to climb and dig holes.
The wolverine is small but very strong, which makes it very dangerous.
Polar Bear Polar Bear
The polar bear is completely white: on the icefield, it is very difficult to spot it!
The polar bear is a very good swimmer and it is even able to spend two minutes under the water.
Arctic Fox Arctic Fox
The Arctic fox is white in the winter and brown in the summer: this allows it to hide itself.
When it sleeps, the Arctic fox puts its tail over its muzzle and feet to protect it from the cold.
Snowy Owl Snowy Owl
The snowy owl builds its nest on the ground and not in the trees.
The snowy owl can look at its own back and turn its head round completely.
Seal Seal
Thanks to its moustache, the seal is able to sense the slightest movement in the water and find fish.
A thick layer of fat protects the seal from the cold.
Walrus Walrus
Even the polar bear is afraid of the walrus's large tusks!
The walrus is able to plant its tusks in the icefield to pull itself out of the water.
Beluga Beluga
The beluga is able to find the thinnest part on the icefield in order to break the ice and breathe.
The beluga is also called the "white whale".

Animals of Asia

This is the list of all animals of Asia (and spoken facts) kids will have to discover in the app.

Tiger Tiger
The tiger's stripes serve as camouflage.
The tiger is a good swimmer.
Panda Panda
The panda eats bamboo.
The panda likes to swing in the branches of trees.
Red panda Red panda
The red panda is also called the little panda.
The red panda is able to use its claws to climb down trees headfirst.
Elephant Elephant
The Asian elephant is smaller than the African elephant.
The Asian elephant has small ears.

The Indian rhinoceros does not have a horn.
The rhinoceros has very good hearing.

Orangutan Orangutan
The orangutan is the largest animal that lives in the trees.
The orangutan lives on the island of Borneo.
The orangutan makes nests to sleep in.
Proboscis monkey Proboscis monkey
The nose of the proboscis monkey sometimes reaches as far down as its chin.
The proboscis monkey is a good swimmer.
Red-crowned Crane Red-crowned Crane
The red-crowned crane is one of the largest birds in the world.
Snow leopard Snow leopard
The snow leopard's thick fur protects it from the cold.
The snow leopard has fur under its paws to protect them in the snow.
Saiga Saiga
The nose of the saiga resembles a trunk.
Clouded leopard Clouded leopard
The clouded leopard has marks similar to clouds.
The clouded leopard lives in the trees and leaps from branch to branch.
Camel Camel
The camel lives in the cold deserts and the mountains of Asia.
The camel is able to survive for ten days without food or water.
Yak Yak
The yak has a long woollen coat to protect it from the cold.
Gharial Gharial
The gharial is a crocodile with a very long narrow snout.
Tapir Tapir
The Mayalan tapir likes swimming.
The Malayan tapir has a large white mark on its back.
Water buffalo Water buffalo
The water buffalo lives in marshes.
The water buffalo spends plenty of time in the water to protect itself from the heat and from insects.
Pangolin Pangolin
The pangolin eats insects.
Peafowl Peafowl
When the peafowl unfurls its feathers, it is said that it is making a wheel.
Sun bear Sun bear
The sun bear likes to sleep on branches in the sun.
The sun bear is the smallest bear.
Caracal Caracal
The caracal sometimes catches several birds at the same time.
The caracal has very good hearing thanks to its long ears.
Hornbill Hornbill
The hornbill's casque allows it to sing very loudly.
Langur Langur
In India, langurs are often found in towns.
The langur eats leaves, flowers and fruit.
Python Python
The python is able to eat animals much larger than itself.
The python is a very good swimmer.
Tarsier Tarsier
The tarsier's has suction pads at the tip of its long fingers allowing it to hold on to things.
The tarsier does not know how to walk: it leaps from branch to branch.

Animals of Oceania

This is the list of all animals of Oceania (and spoken facts) kids will have to discover in the app.

Echidna Echidna
When it wants to hide, the echidna burrows into the ground.
The mother echidna has a pouch on its tummy in which it keeps its egg.
Kiwi Kiwi
The kiwi lives in a burrow or in a tree trunk.
The kiwi lives at night and does not know how to fly.
Bat Bat
The bat sleeps upside down.
The bat carries its baby attached to its tummy.
Cassowary Cassowary
The cassowray has a helmet on its head that allows it to cut a passage through the forest.
It is the father cassowary that sits on the eggs and takes care of the babies.

The ibis uses its long sharp beak to catch its food.
Above all, the ibis eats insects, but sometimes also prawns or fish.

Red crab Red crab
The red crab lives in the jungle but returns to the sea to lay its eggs.
During the dry season, the red crab hibernates underground.
Green turtle Green turtle
The green turtle returns to the beach where it was born to lay its eggs.
The green turtle is able to spend 3 hours underwater without breathing.
Humpback whale Humpback whale
The song of each whale is different.
When it is born, a baby whale is as heavy as a car!
Dolphin Dolphin
The dolphin is very inquisitive and loves to play.
Dolphins live in groups to hunt and defend themselves.
Dugong Dugong
The dugong grazes on grass at the bottom of the sea.
The dugong is very shy: it hides during the day and eats at night.
Manta ray Manta ray
The manta ray has two horns in front of its mouth which help it to catch its food.
The manta ray's large fins give the impression that it is flying through the water.
Dingo Dingo
The dingo is a wild dog that does not bark but howls like a wolf.
The dingo sometimes attacks flocks of sheep.
Sea lion Sea lion
The sea lion barks like a dog.
The sea lion is an excellent swimmer, but it can also run very fast on land.
Monitor lizard Monitor lizard
The monitor lizard runs very fast, sometimes standing up.
Some monitor lizards are able to use their tail to stand up.
Saltwater crocodile Saltwater crocodile
The saltwater crocodile can swim in the sea or in rivers.
The saltwater crocodile has to come up to the surface of the water to breathe.
Kangaroo Kangaroo
The kangaroo moves around by hopping very high and very far.
The mother kangaroo keeps her baby in her pouch for several months.
Emu Emu
The emu cannot fly: its wings are too small.
The father emu turns the eggs over regularly to keep them warm.
Wombat Wombat
The wombat looks like a small bear.
The wombat burrows galleries to protect itself from the heat.
Tasmanian devil Tasmanian devil
The ears of the Tasmanian devil turn red when it is angry.
The Tasmanian devil has a huge jaw and very sharp teeth.
Koala Koala
The koala only sets foot on the ground when it has to change trees.
The koala does not drink: its water comes from the eucalyptus leaves it eats.
Cuscus Cuscus
In the daytime, the cuscus hides among the branches.
When it feels threatened, the cuscus gives off a terrible smell to defend itself.
Platypus Platypus
The platypus uses its bill-shaped muzzle to search for food at the bottom of rivers.
The platypus lays eggs, but the babies drink the milk which flows from its coat.
Frill-necked lizard Frill-necked lizard
When the frill-necked lizard is angry, it opens its mouth wide and spreads its frill.
When it wants to escape, the frill-necked lizard runs upright on its rear legs.
Great white shark Great white shark
Le requin peut sentir une goutte de sang à plusieurs kilomètres de distance.
Certains requins peuvent avoir plus de trois mille dents sur plusieurs rangées.

Animals of Africa

This is the list of all animals of Africa (and spoken facts) kids will have to discover in the app.

Lion Lion
The lion has a mane.
The lioness hunts, but it is the lion that eats first.
Meerkat Meerkat
The meerkat stands on its rear legs so that it can keep an eye on the surrounding area.
While one meerkat burrows a hole, the others stand guard.
Lioness Lioness
Lionesses hunt in a group to catch antelope.
Lionesses sleep during the day and hunt at nightfall.
Cheetah Cheetah
The cheetah is the fastest animal in the world.
The cheetah is fast, but it tires very quickly.
Hyena Hyena
With its powerful jaws the hyena is able to eat an elephant's bones.
A pack of hyena is able to hunt a lion and steal its food.
Ostrich Ostrich
The ostrich is the largest bird in the world and lays the largest egg.
The ostrich does not fly but uses it long legs to run very fast.
Okapi Okapi
The okapi's tongue is so large that it is able to clean its ears with it!
The okapi has very good hearing thanks to its big ears.
Elephant Elephant
The elephant is the largest animal after the whale.
The elephant uses its trunk to catch food.
Zebra Zebra
Each zebra has different stripes.
Zebras use their hooves to defend themselves against lions.
Wildebeest Wildebeest
The wildebeest is able to run 5 minutes after it is born.
During the dry season, wildebeest migrate in large groups to find water and grass.
Giraffe Giraffe
The giraffe's long neck allows it to eat leaves at the top of trees.
The giraffe sleeps very little and generally does so standing up.
Rhinoceros Rhinoceros
The rhinoceros has very poor eyesight, but it hears very well.
When it is frightened, a rhinoceros charges.
Hippopotamus Hippopotamus
During the daytime, the hippopotamus rests in the water, and at night time,
it comes out of the water to graze.
The hippopotamus gets angry very quickly: therefore it is very dangerous.
Crocodile Crocodile
The crocodile is able to leap up in the air to catch a bird.
Crocodiles can survive without food for several months.
Springbok Springbok
When it runs, the springbok jumps like a spring.
Only a leopard is able to catch a springbok when it is running.
Greater koudou Greater koudou
The male has horns, but not the female.
The greater koudou does not run very fast.
Dromedary Dromedary
The dromedary has just one hump.
The dromedary can survive without water for three weeks.
Fennec fox Fennec fox
The fennec fox's large ears help it to keep cool.
The fennec fox has hairs below its paws so that it does not slip on the sand.
Cobra Cobra
Some cobras are able to spit venom into their enemies' eyes.
When it is angry, a cobra's neck swells to make it look bigger.
Oryx Oryx
The oryx needs very little water to survive.
The oryx's large horns help it to defend itself against lions.
Gorilla Gorilla
The gorilla is too heavy to climb trees.
The gorilla beats its chest to frighten its enemies.
Chimpanzee Chimpanzee
The chimpanzee is very intelligent: it knows how to break nuts
with stones and catch ants with a stick.
The chimpanzee's hand has five fingers and nails just like us.
Baboon Baboon
The baboon has a snout similar to that of a dog.
The baboon is able to hunt small prey such as hare.
Pink flamingo Pink flamingo
The pink flamingo sleeps standing up on one or two legs.
The pink flamingo's uses its beak to catch prawns in the mud.

Dinosaurs world

Application main menu
Selecting the world
Launch the game or access Card and Photo albums.
Where is the corythosaurus?
Where is...
One animal at a time: find it by moving from left to right.
Bobble head card of pteranodon
You've found it
The reward is an animated card of the animal.
Name of each animal may be heard in all available languages and informations may be played again
kids win a camera
You've won a camera!
Once you have found all the animals, you win a camera.
Kids can take photos
Take a photo
Try to take a photo.
Kids listen to spoken informations about Tyrannosaurus
Well done!
Your photo is now in your album. Take a photo of an animal and get spoken informations about it!
Night begins
Night is falling
Touch as many animals as possible before it is too dark.
Night time: only eyes appear...
Find the missing animals using an old torch.
Kids can then make jigsaws
Make jigsaws
Your camera can now make jigsaws! Take a photo and shake the device to get a 4/6/12/20 piece jigsaw (42 on iPad).
Play Photo Quiz!
Play Photo Quiz!
Find a question mark and launch Photo Quiz!
Questions about dinosaurs
Answer correctly...
Which one is the ...? How many animals can you see? Who is it? True or False ?
win dinosaurs pictures
And win photos!
Photos are added to your album so you can make jigsaws or print them.
thumb cameraman1
Find the cameraman
Find the cameraman hiding in the scene..
thumb cameraman2
And watch the video!
The cameraman will show you a video of the dinosaur.
thumb cameraman3
Play again to watch all the videos
The cameraman appears several times. At the end you can watch any videos you've missed and the ones you've found.

Other features

App features: Card album
Card album
It contains all the cards released during the game.
App features: Photo album
Photo album
It contains all your photos meaning that you can do the jigsaws again.
App features: Printable booklet
Paper booklets
Print, fold, cut out and paste your own paper albums!

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